Welcome to our Jam Session

The role of creativity in B2B Marketing with Jason Miller and Mary Ward

Making Content Grow into Customer Flow

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Jason Miller

Jason Miller is the former Head of Brand Marketing at Microsoft and Global Head of Content and Social Marketing for LinkedIn.


He's a prolific keynote speaker, digital marketing instructor at the University of California, Berkeley, best-selling author of “Welcome to the Funnel: Proven Tactics to Turn Your Social Media and Content Marketing up to 11”, and a 2018 finalist for CMI's Content Marketer of the Year.


He’s currently lining up his next play while writing his next book on the topic of creativity and artificial intelligence. When he’s not immersed in his day job you can find him photographing the world’s biggest rock stars across various stages in Europe.

Mary Ward

Mary is a senior Customer Success leader with more than 15 years of experience building and managing CS teams that specialize in digital and content solutions for the enterprise, B2B & B2C space.


At Rock Content, Mary leads Global Customer Success across a diverse and customer-centric team of CSMs, AMs, Support, Onboarding, Experience, Operations, and Services. She has managed Customer Success organizations through SaaS and services delivery across all major sectors, including technology, financial services, higher education, and logistics.